- What thicknesses are available in these shims?
2mm and 3mm which can combine to add up to any desired thickness in 1mm increments.
- How many shims can be stacked together?
You can stack 3 in the staggered configuration, multiples in the vertical configuration limited only by the length of the pin. An alternative is 3 staggered and any above that in the vertical position. Please see the chart on the modular shim product page.
- Are the shims compatible with all 3-hole cleats?
Yes they are. There are quite a few different shaped cleats on the market but the wedge will work with all 3-hole systems eve if the shape is slightly different.
- Can the shims be pinned together with the 3-hole wedges?
Yes, the 3-hole shims and wedges are compatible, and can be pinned together to create a "stack" . Always remember to place the wedges closest to the cleats, and shim closest to the shoe.
- Can I get extra pins if I run out or don't have any?
Yes, just get in touch and we'll send you some in the post.
- What degree angle are the 3-hole wedges?
1 degree.
- Do you make a 2 degree version?
No, not at present, but you can stack or pin them together to create 2 degrees.
- Is the 3-hole wedge compatible with the modular leg length shim?
Yes, wedges can be pinned to shims to create a stack.
- Does the wedge work with any 3-hole system?
Yes, although 3-hole cleats can differ in shape, the wedge will work irrespective.
- Which cleats are the Speedplay shim and wedge compatible with?
All the road cleats including V1, V2, Aero and Walkable.
- What degree angle are the Speedplay wedges?
1 degee.
- What thicknesses do the Speedplay shims come in?
2mm and 3mm which can combine to add up to any desired thickness in 1mm increments.
- Wahoo bought Speedplay, have they changed anything or are these shims and wedges still compatible?
They are still compatible.
- How much stack does this shim offer?
Either 3.5mm or 5.5mm. The base body is 3.5mm and you get a spare 2mm spacer to add to the stack.
- Can I get any more stack out of it.
You can add another 2mm spacer for a total of 7.5mm. Please get in touch if you require a taller stack.
- Is the V1 shim compatible with all MTB shoes.
Most but not all. Some shoes have a small, recessed cut-out area for the cleat. These shoes won't allow the shim to fit flush to the sole of the shoe. This is rare though.
- What pedal/cleat systems is the V1 compatible with?
Primarily SPD (Shimano) style cleat systems. Although the shim can work with Time ATAC and Crank Bros pedals, it doesn't work very well. If you use these pedals you should use the V2 shim.
- How much stack does this shim offer?
Between 3-6mm in 1mm increments, depending how you stack the various pieces.
- Can I get more stack out of it?
You can add an extra 1mm spacer to get a total of 7mm. We are also working on a custom 3D printed option which would allow any additional height to be added to the base body. Please get in touch if you require this.
- Is the V2 compatible with all MTB shoes.
Most but there could be rare occasions where there is an issue. The V2 shim is approx 10mm shorter than the V1 (better for fitting to more shoes), and 2mm wider (could be an issue on shoes with a very narrow (36mm) area between the shoe treads.
- What pedals/cleats is the V2 compatible with?
All MTB style cleat systems, including SPD, Crank Bros and Time ATAC.
- What degree angle do these wedges have?
1 degree.
- Can they be stacked together to create 2 or 3 degrees?
No, due to the anti-rotate design they can't be stacked. However, they a very effective as a 1 degree wedge and it's recommended to use an internal (forefoot) wedge if more angle is required.
- Are they compatible with the V2 or V2 walkable MTB shim?
Unfortunately not, however we are working on a compatible wedge design for the V2 shim.
- What degree angle do these wedges have?
1 degree.
- Can they be stacked together to create more angle?
Yes, any amount can be stacked together.
- Are they supplied in sizes relating to my shoe size?
No, they come in one size and are trimmable to fit your shoe, irrespective of size.
- Can I use them at opposing angles to create heel list?
Yes, and multiples can be fitted in this way.
- What angle do these wedges have?
1.5 degrees.
- Can multiples be stacked together.
Yes, but more than two is not recommended, and it's advisable to stack them in the "offset" configuration (see graphic on product page).
- Do I have to stick them to the shoe or insole?
That's optional. They can be placed as is in the bottom of the shoe and they will retain their position once the insole has been placed on top.
- Is there a reason they're toe-less?
Yes. Other in-shoe wedge designs with the full length can create a cramped toe box, which is why we opted for the toe-less design. e may introduce a full length design at some point for those who prefer that.
- Are they shoe size specific?
No, they are a trimmable design so can be cut to suit any shoe size.
- Are these spacers the same as standard pedal washers?
No, standard pedal washers are usually between 1mm - 1.5mm thick, never 2mm.
- Will these spacers work with any pedal?
They will work with any pedal which has a 9/16th axle size (the majority of pedals on the market). It's only certain vintage and some BMX crank/pedal systems which don't have 9/16th axles.
- Will these widen the Q-factor by 4mm if I use one on each side?
- Can I use more than one per side?
No, it's not recommended due to the lack of axle thread that would result from this, creating an unsafe connection between pedal and crank.
- How much extension do these extenders give?
- Do you have a longer extender available?
Not a present but we should be releasing a longer version at some point.
- What material are these made from?
Titanium. We used titanium for it's anti-corrosive properties and light weight.
- I thought titanium was silver in colour, why is this extender black?
The extenders have been coloured as a purely aesthetic exercise.
- Can these extenders be used on all cranks?
No, they are not recommended for use on carbon cranks due to the way carbon cranks are manufactured. This is because of the metal pedal thread "insert" on carbon cranks, which can be dislodged by the use of extenders. This is very unsafe.
- Are these screws compatible with all 3-hole cleat systems?
Yes, the head size of the screws has been designed to work with the smallest (Look) and largest (Shimano) systems, and everything in between.
- Do these screws come in different lengths?
Yes, we have 12, 14, 16, 18 & 20mm lengths which should cover a shim stack up to approx 10mm.
- Do these screws come with a 3mm or 4mm hex socket?
The new FORM screws have a 4mm hex socket insert. The older FORM screws had a 3mm hex socket but these screws can be identified by the head, which was a flanged design. The new screws are a wide, flange-less design.
- Are the new screws made from stainless steel?
No. We manufacture using a 10.9 steel which is stronger and resists rounding out better.
- Are these screws compatible with all Speedplay cleat systems?
No, the V1/V2 design use a countersunk screw.
- What lengths are available?
Currently we offer 10, 12, 15, 16 & 18mm lengths. However, we are looking to add to those lengths sometime in the future. Setting up Speedplay cleats with various shim/wedge combinations can require quite a few different lengths.
- I have previously tried to use similar screws but found the heads to be too large. Are the heads on these screws smaller?
Yes, the Speedplay system requires screws with an unusual small head design, and this is what we supply.
- I have a V2 cleat system, can you supply me with the appropriate screws?
Yes, we have some of the older countersunk screws in stock but can't guarantee that we'll have these readily available, in all lengths, at all times.